Well, it's been a couple of weeks since I posted. And what a couple of weeks it has been! I was stuck in my house for a week with over 20 inches of snow in my yard!!! Yes, you heard me right; OVER 20 INCHES OF SNOW!!! It started snowing on a Monday night and snowed all day Tuesday. It was the blizzard of 2011; Snowpocalypse! My school was closed all that week cause the roads were horrible and icy and then there was so much snow in our parking lot! We opened up the next Monday and then it snowed AGAIN on that Tuesday night! We were open on Wednesday but I couldn't get into work. Yet again stuck at home. Lots to do at work with such little time to do it in. Well, I am back at work and got it all done; WHEW! Just gotta get through this week!!!!! Well, here are some pics from the snow storm:
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