Monday, February 14, 2011

February 2011

Well, it's been a couple of weeks since I posted.  And what a couple of weeks it has been!  I was stuck in my house for a week with over 20 inches of snow in my yard!!!  Yes, you heard me right; OVER 20 INCHES OF SNOW!!!  It started snowing on a Monday night and snowed all day Tuesday.  It was the blizzard of 2011; Snowpocalypse!  My school was closed all that week cause the roads were horrible and icy and then there was so much snow in our parking lot!  We opened up the next Monday and then it snowed AGAIN on that Tuesday night!  We were open on Wednesday but I couldn't get into work.  Yet again stuck at home.  Lots to do at work with such little time to do it in.  Well, I am back at work and got it all done; WHEW!  Just gotta get through this week!!!!!  Well, here are some pics from the snow storm:


Thursday, January 27, 2011

January 2011

So, this week has not had its abundance of blessings but I guess not every week is full of daisy's!  I have been sick all week.  I started feeling bad last week but just let it go thinking it was just all this winter stuff going around.  I had too much at work to do to let this sickness get me down.  Well, this week, on Monday I was feeling horrible.  By Monday night, I couldn't be in denial anymore and called into work to tell them I would not be there on Tuesday and was going to the doctor.  So, I went to the doctor on Tuesday afternoon and I have a sinus/bronchial infection with an ear infection.  The doctor told me to stay home Wednesday and Thursday!  WHAT?!  I don't have time for that!!  Well, by that night, I felt worse!  Then, on Wednesday, I felt HORRIBLE!!   I was for sure it was the flu by now.  One of my co-workers and one little girl in my class has the flu.  Just what I needed.  So, I am staying home the rest of the week.  My co-workers and boss are being AWESOME though all this.  So, I guess the blessing of the week is God showing me that I don't have to do it ALL; I can rely on others to help me.   WOW!  I guess God does hit you upside the head sometimes!  LOL.  Well, I just hope that I am feeling better by Saturday cause I am baking Haley's 5th birthday cake!  Can't believe that girl is 5!  She wants a Cinderella cake this year!  1st birthday was Princess, 2nd was Elmo, 3rd was Minnie Mouse, 4th was Sleeping Beauty and now 5th is Cinderella!  Can you tell she is a girly girl?!  So, there is this week; thought it was all yuck and gross, but turned out there was a great blessing in it all along!

Saturday, January 15, 2011

January 2011

So, this week has been pretty interesting full of lots of ups and downs.  I had a very rough week with my Crohn's this week; even ended up staying home on Thursday cause I was in so much pain.  I also had a very stressful week at work; might have some ties to the rough week with Crohn's.  But, I had my Remicaid treatment on Friday and I am already feeling better.  I am looking forward to lots of stuff this year!  2011 is going to be full of all kinds of exciting adventures!!!  In March, I, along with some GREAT friends, are going to see Sugarland in concert here in Tulsa!!!!  And then, in July, I, along with Debby, Tabitha, and Tamara, are going to see New Kids on the Block in concert here in Tulsa!!!  I Love both groups and both groups of friends I am going with.  I have some AMAZING friends here in Tulsa!  And, now I have some AMAZING sisters to go to things with.  Who ever would have thought a few years ago, I would be going to a New Kids on the Block concert with my 2 sisters?!?!  HOW AMAZING IS MY LIFE?!  I have had a great weekend.  I am trying to get healthy this year so I have been working out again.  Now, this Saturday is ending with Bobby and I watching some football together!  LOVE IT!!!  Can't wait for church tomorrow and then family dinner with the In-laws!  Stay tuned to see what else God has in store for me!

Sunday, January 9, 2011

January 2011

Ok, so this week has been pretty cool!   Work went well, but then again, I work with some amazing people, parents and kids!  Our church here in Owasso, FCC, started their Winter Health Challenge; it's an 8 week program where we have meetings every Thursday night with small groups and a special speaker.  This past Thursday was the kick off and Danny Cahill; winner of Season 8 of Biggest Loser, was the special speaker.  He had an amazing story and then I got to meet him afterwards.  I have to admit, I got a little startstruck!  LOL!  Then, on Saturday, Debby came over to the house and we played on my new Cricut and made Haley's 5th birthday party invitations!  How Martha of us!   LOL!  It was really good getting to visit with Debby again!  We have kinda lost what we once had with each other and it was good to get a little of that back.  So, today we go to church and Bobby and I starting thinking about looking into a class with people more our age.  We found one we are going to try out so hopefully we will fit in somewhere.  So, there are already some AWESOME blessings just 9 days into this new year!!!!  Let's keep watching!!!

Saturday, January 1, 2011

January 2011

I have neglected this poor blog for too long.  2011 is going to be a great year and I want to document all the blessings that will happen within this year.  LET THE BLOGGING BEGIN!!